Perfect Enlightenment Come From Following The Mahāyāna Path

However, merely having compassion is not enough. We must rescue sentient beings from suffering and put them on the path of happiness. But at the moment we ourselves are not free. We do not have full knowledge or full power. We are completely bound by our own karma and defilements. So how can we help? The sole most effective way to help sentient beings is to attain perfect enlightenment, because if we attain perfect enlightenment then even during a single moment we can rescue countless sentient beings. This perfect enlightenment does not arise without proper causes an d conditions, and they come from following the Mahāyāna path. The first step is to have a very sincere wish to attain perfect enlightenment. Then you must practice. The main goal of practice is to develop both method and wisdom. In order to fly, you need two wings, and, similarly, in order to attain enlightenment, you need two supports: the method to realize wisdom and wisdom itself...