Necessity and Power of Prayers in Islam

Power of Prayers in Islam


Prayers mean we acknowledge God's favor and blessings that He provides us with.



Prayers in Islam


Islam makes prayers an absolute necessity and a priority for every believer in God.

We are informed in the Qur'an that prayers in God is an incumbent religious task of worship denoting recognition and submission unto God.

We are told that all the prophets were commanded to deliver the message that humans ought to perform prayers to God. Every prophet and messenger was commanded to convey the command of prayers to his people.

The divine message conveyed in the four Books, the Psalms of David, the Torah, the Evenagel and the Qur'an, consists in ‘There is no god but God and that you must hold prayers for My remembrance'.


The reasons for the prayers are exemplified in the followings:

Prayers is an acknowledgment of God. Through prayers we announce our recognition of God.

Prayers demonstrate belief in God. We express through prayers our belief and dedicate our thoughts to God.

Prayers indicate submission unto God. Prayers denote submitting our will to the divine will.

Prayers mean worship of God. Prayers indicate that we worship God by dedicating ourselves to serve and love God. Our adoration of the divine

Prayers is pleading one's cause to God.

Prayers is seeking help from God.

Prayers means depending on God.

Prayers mean keeping God in remembrance and not forgetting Him.

Prayers mean we acknowledge God's favor and blessings that He provides us with.

Prayers mean taking God as refuge and help.

Prayers mean that we take God not only as a Lord but also as a protector and friend.

Prayers mean that we provoke the divine in all our thoughts and actions.

Prayers connote trust. In God only we put our trust.

Prayers mean we seek the assistance of God.

Prayers mean that we seek comfort.

Prayers reveals our need for peace which God alone can provide.

Prayers mean that we rely on God to provide us with our means of sustenance.

Prayers mean that we seek God's guidance in this world.

Prayers give immunity to the believer against evil and evil doing.

Prayers purify the hear of the believer and prompt good deeds.

Prayers regulate the believer's soul and mind into rhythmic harmony with the purpose of man's being.

Prayers mean that we seek God's favor to acquire eternal felicity on the Day of Judgment.

Prayers give the individual courage and hope  in passing through the vicissitudes of life, in times of distress, difficulty, illness and misery.

Prayers denote our gratitude to the All Mighty for His favor and blessings.

Prayers reveal that we appreciate the divine plan and the creation of the universe.

Prayers keep us alive, inside and outside ourselves.

Prayers keep fears away and provide us with the power to live.

Prayers keeps man in check in harmony with the natural impulse of life.

It is an ultimate expression of devotion and love for God.

Prayers is the only way to gain the favor of God, creator of Man, and hence gives him the chance to eschew punishment and be awarded with eternal felicity in Paradise.

The divine message does not express itself only in the Qur'an but manifestly so in the Law and the four Books of the Evangel.

It is a central priority in every religion to establish the worship relationship between Man and God.

Source - Necessity and Power of Prayers in Islam - mardini


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